nature is our greatest teacher

Friday, July 16, 2010

art journaling as a healing tool

How is it that we can keep this process of healing as a continuium,, without having to always be in a constant state of analysis around it. I know when i'm in this place of analysis that there is no space for healing; my mind feels full, my thoughts fuzzy and I am unable to see my way through to understanding. Words... powerful.. but is there another way of change. I've found that the constant stream of words and thoughts (usually firing critical statements towards my self and my worth)disconnect me from from my body, starve me of any soul nourishment and block the constant stream of life force energy that would be available for my use if only I had space for it to enter... I know that there are many reasons as to why we keep ourselves in this constant state of 'overwhelm', cluttered and unable to breathe in the newness of the moment.... but knowing (on a mind level only) and being the change seems worlds apart!
Is there a way to bridge the gap. A place where our mind, our body and psyche can integrate and lead us toward health.. I believe so.. just perhaps not in the ways that we have been taught.
Im intrigued by the power of art in healing. I have been a so called 'mind' person for all my life. Trying to analyse and figure it all out for as long as i could remember. Somewhere and somehow the words and understandings that i thought I'd grasped didnt actually transcend to a deeper wisdom and I find myself still wedged between understanding and true wisdom.
Ive been fascinated by art journaling for such a long time. Recently having discovered Im feeling the urge to really test out what I intuitively feel is a powerful tool in our healing. Helping us to rediscover the language (symbols) which reaches deep into our unconscious (and the collective unconscious) where our deep truths and wounds lie.
So here goes.... Im seeking the challenge! A daily committment to growth through art and symbol..

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