nature is our greatest teacher

Saturday, June 19, 2010

A letter to my Unconscious...

I am realising how much support and guidance you give me.... any time, anywhere!! And in the most incredible forms.... never as i could imagine (my imagination surely is not that creative (or is it?)Through dreams, symbols and signs in nature, a passing comment or strangers wisdom, a plan go wrong, an email with exactly the same symbol as was in my dream the night before.
Im amazed. Truly amazed at how you just keep showing me the direction I need to go, the tools I need to take and the issues and symbols I need to work with.
My stubborness is all that gets in the way... that part of me (and it is just a part) that wants to hang on with grim life to my old way of being.
So thankyou to my Unconscious for continuing to find a way to get through to me. I will do my best to hear you, listen to what you're saying and to give all parts of me a way to express.

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